Our Location & Pre Appointment Info

Are walk-ins welcome?

No unfortunately walk-ins are not welcome. We require you to either book online or call and make an appointment prior to arriving. 

What do I do if I need to cancel an appointment?

In order to cancel or reschedule an appointment you must call us during business hours (7am-8pm) or change your appointment time online. Please note that bookings have cut off periods and must be cancelled or changed prior to this. All deposits are non-refundable if the appointment cancellation is within the cut off period.

Do I need prior consultation?

Prior to each service your therapist will work with you through an in-depth consultation. At this time, they will assess your body needs to determine the best possible treatments and products to use during your massage and spa experience. They will make product recommendations to help you address your issues and maintain your look and feel.

How do I book an appointment with Nana Wellington?

You can book online and select Nana as your therapist. You can also call direct and make a booking as well.

How much does it cost to get a spa or massage therapy?

Prices very greatly depending on which therapy treatment do you need to, or preference for spa and body options.The best way is to go thru the website as all the pricing is available here. You can also call to obtain an price as well, however depending on client bookings it could take a while to return you call.

What should I wear to a massage appointment?

If possible, wear clothes that are easy to change into and out of. Remember also that the therapist will be using possibly be using products during the treatment. If you are concerned about oil, lotion or balm getting on your clothing, bring a change of clothes to go home in.

What happens when you first arrive?

Each appointment begins with a short consultation and review of symptoms, and health history. If it is your first time you will be required to complete a short profile about yourself. Additionally, the profile will explain our conditions of treatment. The short consultation, and the time it takes you to read and complete the profile is not included in your appointment time.

Are you able to massage while I am pregnant?

Yes, you can receive a massage while you are pregnant, however we will not provide a massage during your first trimester. After 12 weeks we are happy to massage you with our specially designed pregnancy massage. The main reason massage is considered risky during the first trimester is because of the increased risk of miscarriage in this time. 

Massage during pregnancy can do wonders for your health and wellbeing. The massage, when pregnant, can provide much needed relief from low back, hip or leg pain as well many other conditions. Reducing your stress levels, relieving muscle aches and even rejuvenating your energy are just some of the possible benefits. A little pampering at this time is always a welcome relief, too.

Our therapists are specially trained to work with pregnant women for their prenatal or postnatal massage sessions. There are a few special modifications that will be made to the positioning and massage procedures depending upon the trimester of the receiver. As always, your therapist will need to be informed about any particular medical conditions that you may be experiencing.

At any time in your pregnancy, you should consult your healthcare professional about getting a massage if you:

  • Are experiencing excessive nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Are at high risk of miscarriage
  • Have a high-risk pregnancy
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Are experiencing any sudden swelling or breathing problems
  • Have any other pregnancy concerns

Always consult your medical doctor as to the advisability of receiving a massage.

What is your cancellation policy?

We require a 24 hour cancellation notice. If you would like to change your appointment, please call us on 0438 659 555 no later than 24 hours prior to your appointment. You can also change your appointment using your customer booking portal.

We do understand that life can make last-minute changes in your plans. It is customary in the healthcare industry to enforce a 24 hour cancellation notice to avoid being charged for any service. At this time, we don’t charge for a missed service unless it is repeated. However, if a client fails to cancel within 24 hours multiple times (2 or more), they may be asked to pre-pay for future services.

What Are the Different Types of Body Massage?


A Remedial or Relaxation Massage is very similar in techniques. The massage therapist will go slower and avoid deeper work that could be at all uncomfortable. A relaxation massage is good if you are a beginner or sensitive to pain.


A variety of different strokes and pressure techniques are used to enhance the flow of blood to the heart and remove waste product from the tissues. During Swedish massage the therapist use massage oils to facilitate smooth. gliding strokes over your body.
Swedish massage is also used to stretch ligaments and tendons, which can ease physical and emotion tension. It is another common type of massage and the great place to start if it’s your first massage or if you are afraid a massage might be painful.
You are usually nude or minimum underwear is worn under sheet, but only the part that is being massaged is exposed so modesty is always respected.


Is usually a Swedish or deep tissue massage where the massage oil used during the massage has been blended with essential oils. Additionally, the massage room is scented with the same fragrance as the massage oil complimenting each other during the therapy.
There are also many essential oil fragrances that can be used, and your preference will be asked by your therapist prior to the massage session. The massage therapist can select oils that are relaxing, energizing, stress-reducing, balancing, etc. One of the most common essential oils used in aromatherapy massage is lavender.
A list options will be supplied and it will explain what each essential oil will do. The website also has an extensive section out lining the essential oil benefits of each fragrance. For example, lavender or peppermint can have a powerful effect on your mood. It can also alleviate pain by stimulating two structures deep in the brain known to store emotions and memory.
Aromatherapy massage is at its best when therapist uses high quality, therapeutic essential oils blended to address your specific need. At Massage Wellbeing our therapists are trained in the use of essential oils. This knowledge can be hard to find in a commercial spa setting. You are better off with a private practitioner specifically trained in aromatherapy massage such as Massage Wellbeing.
Aromatherapy massage is great for stress-related conditions or conditions with an emotional component or for anyone looking for some added relaxation.


This type of massage uses some of the same movements and techniques of Swedish massage and Thai massage, but the therapist will work the deeper tissue structure of the muscle. Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. The massage therapist uses slower strokes or friction techniques across the grain of the muscle.
Many people expect deep tissue massage to be intense pressure and pain, however this would be counter-productive and should not be the case.
Deep tissue massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain, postural problems, or recovery from injury. People may often feel sore for one to two days after deep tissue massage.


Also called prenatal massage, pregnancy massage is becoming increasingly popular with expectant mothers. Massage therapists who are trained in pregnancy massage know the proper way to position and support the woman’s body during the massage, and how to modify techniques.
Pregnancy massage is used to reduce stress, decrease swelling, relieve aches and pains, and help to reduce anxiety and depression. The massage is customized to a woman’s individual needs and also term of pregnancy.
It is very important that if you book for a pregnancy massage, you understand that the therapist will massage only softly and in certain areas. It is imperative that pressure especially in areas where reflexology points can be triggered are not massaged. Additionally, your therapist knows what is for the best interest of the customer.
If you would like a strong massage, then I suggest you try other therapists as Massage Wellbeing has strict protocols that they work with. The care of the mother to be and the baby is of our upmost importance to our therapists.
Pregnancy pillows are used and we also have an extra wide massage bed to supply good support.


Reflexology massage is a therapy where pressure is applied to reflex points on the hands, feet and also sometimes the ears. This controlled pressure alleviates the source of the discomfort. It is believed to be as effective for promoting good health and for preventing illness, as it may be for relieving symptoms of stress, injury, and illness.
Based on the principle that reflex points in these areas are related to certain organs, glands and areas of the body, the pressure on a reflex point can deliver stimulation to the corresponding body part. The application of applying palpation or alternating pressure on reflex points can also detect area of imbalance and congestion within the body’s systems. The aim is to encourage the body’s natural healing process.
Reflexology promotes healing by stimulating the nerves in the body and encouraging the flow of blood. In the process, reflexology not only quells the sensation of pain, but can relieve the source of the pain as well.


Sports massage is specifically designed for people who are involved in physical activity, such as professional athletes and other active individuals. The massage was developed mainly for athletes who need to keep their bodies in great condition and quickly work out any stress or injuries.
This type of massage can be used to get an athlete ready to compete, support their bodies while they compete, or help it recover after an event. The focus isn’t on relaxation but on preventing and treating injury and enhancing athletic performance. Sports massage however is good for anyone with chronic pain, or injury.
Prior or during the treatment, the therapist may suggest the use of heat and or balms in specific areas. A combination of techniques can be used and will depend on the injury and tightness in specific areas. The strokes are generally faster than that of a Swedish massage. Stretching is a common technique which helps to loosen muscles and increase flexibility.


Thai massage is one of the ancient healing arts of traditional Thai medicine, the others being herbal medicine and spiritual meditation. Practised for over 2,500 years, Thai massage uses a blend of techniques to achieve a state of deep relaxation in the body, mind and spirit. It is an authentic healing art with a unique form of body therapy developed as a therapeutic method. It is believed to treat illnesses and to maintain health and well-being.
It is performed on a client who is fully clothed and lying on a floor mat or a specially built bed. At Massage Wellbeing we supply a traditional Thai massage outfit designed and made in Thailand.
The process is a very complex sequence soft tissue pressing, stretching, twisting and joint manipulations. A therapist guides the client through a series of passive stretches, using their hands, forearms, elbows, knees, and feet to compress and manipulate the muscles of the body.
Rhythmic rocking and pressure point techniques are used throughout the treatment. This helps to restore energy and bring the client to a state of relaxation. It is this combination of energetic and physical techniques that makes Thai Massage so unique in itself.
Thai Massage is a full-body treatment which starts at the feet, while progressing thru the whole body and finishing at to the head.


Is very popular massage that uses smooth rounded stones that have been heated in water. The therapist uses the stone as an extension of his/her hand and may also place them on your belly, hands or back. The principle behind hot stone massage therapy is that the direct heat of the stones relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist access to deeper muscle layers.
When done well, hot stone massage is great because the heat helps to warm up your muscles and is very relaxing. The therapy melts away tension, eases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism. The strategic placement of smooth, water-heated stones at key points on the body, while combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage provides a very healing and effective experience.
Hot stone massage requires a lot of skill, so quality can vary considerably. At Massage Wellbeing our trained therapists know how and where to apply the stones to ensure maximum benefit. We also use only the best stones available and have a large range of shapes and sizes for different applications.


This type of massage is we think unique Massage Wellbeing in Australia so far. We have imported this special Hot Stone Bed which heats all your muscles prior to massage and relaxes the tension to work on those troubled areas.
The use of heat while massaging especially when there is tightness or muscle damage is important for the recovery of the area.
While there is a small charge for using the additional type of therapy, it will help in ensuring a good outcome. The use of hot stones either after the use of the hot stone bed or during normal types of massages is a common preferred procedure.
You therapist will discuss the hot stone bed option prior to your massage. It is also an additional online booking option. It is best booked prior to your session as it needs to be heated up.

What Are the Different Types of Head and Facial Massage?


t Massage Wellbeing our head massage is based on Indian head massage techniques, however our training has been completed in Thailand.
Indian Head Massage, which is also known as Champissage, is a form of relaxation massage that focuses mainly on the head, face and neck. These areas including the scalp are important energy centres of the body. This form of massage is extremely relaxing and has a balancing effect as it helps to release stress and tension. It has the ability in creating a sense of peace and well-being.
Below are some possible common benefits:
• Providing general overall relaxation
• Is calming, revitalizing and uplifts the spirit
• Improves blood circulation which can increase oxygen supply to the brain
• Promotes a more balanced state of being
• Relaxes tight muscles, eases stiffness, breaks down neck knots, and increases mobility
• Can improve lymphatic drainage which in turn helps in the removal of waste products and toxins
• Gives your hair a healthy lustrous shine and may improve skin condition
• Promoting hair growth
• Helps release eye strain, tension headaches, migraines, jaw ache, ear ache, ringing in ears, sinus congestion
• Reduces insomnia and disturbed sleep


Face massage draws on the wisdom of many different healing systems. They include Ayurvedic Massage, Indian Head Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Acupressure, and Reflexology. The treatment is performed without the use of any creams, oils or any other product.
Rejuvenating Face Massage is intended to help relax the body, mind and spirit. It is also very beneficial for the face due to improved skin tone and reductions in facial lines. This type of massage refines pores, helps to stabilize oil production and can make the skin smoother. A lessening of dark lines under the eyes may also be attained. Your face could have a fresh, more relaxed, youthful and healthy reinvigorated look.

The Chinese also discovered that by pressing certain acupressure points on the face like the body, there was a greater flow of blood and oxygen to the facial area. Facial massage can also promote a release of tension, while also softening of lines. The toning and tightening of sagging skin, as well as other health-related benefits is also known. This whole unique type of massage is not a “Facial” but rather a massage-oriented treatment for the face.
Having a face massage on a regular basis can help to reclaim and sustain a more youthful look.
Below are some of the common benefits:
• Advances blood circulation and increases oxygen supply to massaged areas
• Improves nutrient supply to skin cells
• Is calming, revitalizing and uplifts the spirit
• Promotes a more balanced state of being
• Lessens muscle tension, resulting in a fresher and more relaxed look
• Can improve lymphatic drainage which in turn helps in the removal of waste products and toxins
• Lessens wrinkles and expression lines for example crow’s feet
• Reduces ugly puffiness and under-eye dark discoloration
• Can help tighten facial contours while increasing the skins elasticity
• Improvement in skin tone
• Enhances pores, helps to stabilize oil production and makes the skin softer and smoother
• Known to relieve headaches, anxiety and fatigue
• Encourages general relaxation

Massage Therapy Info

How many types of massage exist?

Massage Wellbeing has many massage styles available to choose from. Sometimes the exact style is not as important as the intention of the massage therapist. If you know what results you would prefer, (relaxation, thai, pain relief, injury treatment, etc.) our massage therapist will style your massage to get those results.
At Massage Wellbeing we can incorporate many kinds of massage styles to achieve a particular outcome: We offer the Acupressure Massage, Thai, Remedial Massage, Sports Massage, Pregnancy Massage and Deep Tissue to name a few.

What are the benefits of massage?

A therapeutic massage can help the body recover from the stresses of life and strenuous exercise. It helps and facilitates the rebuilding phase of the conditioning of the body. The physiological benefits of a massage can include improved blood and lymph circulation. Furthermore, muscle relaxation and general relaxation is also benefitting of massage.
Depending lead to removal of waste products and better cell nutrition, normalization and greater elasticity of tissues, deactivation of trigger points, and faster healing of injuries. It all adds up to relief from soreness and stiffness, better flexibility, and less potential for future injury.
In addition to general recovery, massage may also focus on specific muscles used in a sport or fitness activity. For example, areas of greater stress for runners and dancers are in the legs, for swimmers in the upper body, for tennis players in the arms. These areas are more likely to be tight, lose flexibility, and develop trigger points.

What time periods are used for massage appointments?

Our massage appointments are 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes duration.
The average full-body massage treatment normally is a one-hour period. A half-hour appointment only allows enough time for a partial massage session, such as neck and shoulders, back or legs and feet. Most people prefer a 60 to 90-minute session for full body coverage and optimal relaxation. It is always best to allow relaxation time prior to and after the session.
Your appointment begins when your massage therapist shows you into your room.

If I want a deep massage is a male therapist better?

The easy answer is NO. There is this silly perception that men therapists give deeper massages than women. This is an absolute myth and was probably started by men.
It is a matter of style, training, and therapist preference. For instance, some women can use their weight and feet to apply a deep massage. Some therapists prefer not to give really deep sessions while others specialize in this area. If you are particularly looking for a deep massage, it is best to discuss with the therapist if she/he does this type of work. Additionally, you can ask how they intend to perform this type of massage.
During your session it is perfectly ok and welcomed to give the therapist feedback if you would like a lighter/deeper pressure. It’s your session!
Just remember, massage of any type does not have to hurt to be effective.

What can be the effects of chronic muscle tension? Chroni

Chronic muscle tension can inhibit body circulation, which means your muscles are restricted in receiving the nutrition they need. Additionally, the waste products aren’t being deposed of utilising the bodies cleansing function. The lack of nutrition and build-up of toxic waste can irritate nerve endings, causing possible weakness and pain.
Toxicity also huge effects on your immune system. Chronic muscle tension can inhibit movement which in turn also uses up energy, so you fatigue more easily.

Do I have to listen to whale calls, flutes or running water during my massage?

No. (However there’s anything wrong with that.)
While many therapists play slower, quieter, calming type music, you can choose to have different music or no music at all. Research studies have shown that music at under 60 beats-per-minute can have a calming and relaxing effect on the body. This therefore can enhance your massage experience.
However, while the above may be true, any music you like to listen to while you relax can be used while you get a massage. If it relaxes you and you love it at home, why wouldn’t it do the same during your session? Ask your therapist what music he/she has to offer. It is OK to bring your own from home as well and our systems will accept Bluetooth.

Do I have to be completely undressed?

You should undress to the level you are comfortable. For a full body massage the normal procedure is to get completely undressed down to your underwear. The therapist will work around whatever clothes you have left on as best as he/she can. If removing all clothes apart from your under wear makes you too nervous and unable to relax, then you are not getting the optimal benefit from the session.
Your massage therapist will leave the room while you undress, and will knock before they re-enter to make sure you are ready. Depending on the type of massage, you may need to be completely undressed if you are comfortable with that, or just your underwear will be left on. In the case of a Thai massage, a special uniform will be given to you to wear.
If you would prefer to stay fully clothed, then the option of a Thai massage would be suggested.

What happens when the massage finishes?

After the massage, your massage therapist will leave the room so you can get dressed. Please be aware if you sit or stand too quickly you may feel lightheaded or woozy.
When you have redressed, come out to reception to complete payment if that has not been already finalised and have a good look at our fantastic product range.

How often should I get a massage?

“Some is better than none it is said.”
It varies from person to person and this will include some things as available time and funds. If you are just looking for some occasional relaxation, then a session every 3-6 weeks may be fine for you.
However, if you are looking to address a specific condition or injury, then it is recommended to go more frequently. At first continual sessions for a couple of weeks maybe suggested and then slowly taper down to a maintenance schedule.
The frequency of sessions should and will be discussed with your massage therapist after your treatment. This is done when he/she has a better hands-on understanding of your particular muscular or condition issues.

How long do the effects of massage last?

If you are receiving treatments to help heal injury or to address chronic pain, you typically need to receive weekly massages. Our massage therapist will guide you and discuss ongoing treatments after your session..

What should I wear to a massage appointment?

If possible, wear clothes that are easy to change into and out of. Remember also that the therapist will be using possibly be using products during the treatment. If you are concerned about oil, lotion or balm getting on your clothing, bring a change of clothes to go home in.

Do I have to cover myself with a sheet or towel?

This is known as draping and Massage Wellbeing supplies a towel and we will insist on draping. Once you are undressed and, on the table, simply place the supplied towel over your body. The therapist will only uncover the part of your body being worked on only.
The genitals (women and men) and breasts (women) will not be uncovered. If the therapist is going to work on a woman’s abdomen, a second towel or sheet will be used to cover the breasts. The main sheet or towel can be moved to expose the abdomen, however most people do not like there abdomen massaged.

What products or aids will the massage therapist use?

During the massage, your massage therapist will use lotion, balm or oil to massage the area/s of your body. This will depend on the type of massage you have selected. The massage therapist may suggest during the session that a product or even a massage aid such as heat should be used. Most of the procedures or treatments will be discussed during the consultation at the beginning of your appointment.

What should I tell the therapist during the treatment?

This is YOUR session. If something is not working for you – speak up! It’s OK!
The most important thing to remember is that this treatment is all about you relaxing and enjoying the experience. On many occasions, people feel more relaxed starting off talking, and as the massage progresses, enter quiet states of relaxation and sometimes sleep.
The important issue here is that there are times when you need to speak up also. Please let your massage therapist know if you are too warm or cold. Also immediately inform them if there is too much pain of discomfort. You can also let them know of any sore spots during the massage as well. Most times the therapist will feel the tight and sore spots, but letting them know is always a good thing.

How will I feel after a massage treatment?

Everybody will respond differently to massage especially the type of massage you have performed. If the Chi (Qi) energy and the meridian blockages are encouraged to move, dormant toxins may flow back into the body circulation system. These toxins should be eliminated via the normal channels.
The organs used to eliminate toxins include the liver mainly, but also consist of the kidneys, lymphatic system and skin. If the bodies’ healing mechanisms are a little lethargic, or the recipient is particularly sensitive, then symptoms may occur. These for a short period of time may include light-headedness and headaches, lethargy and sleepiness.
The majority of individuals will feel calm, relaxed and unwound after a treatment. Some experience a substantial decrease or freedom from long-term aches and pains. You may also feel a little slowed down for a short period and then notice an increase of energy. Then a heightened awareness can follow and increased productivity which can last for days.
Depending on the type of massage and degree of tightness, people may experience a mild temporary aching for a day – much like a good workout at the gym. Sometimes a hot shower, or a soak in the bath using Epson Salts or other bath products can ease this soreness. We have a range of bath salts that would be of help.
It seems also that those who tend to lead a healthier and cleaner lifestyle, have less reaction. People who eat poorly, do limited physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle will be more sensitive to this shift. It is important to remember that these physical and emotional reactions are temporary and that the body will balance itself soon after.
Before and after your session a glass of water or ginger tea will be supplied. You should however increase your water intake even after you leave. Just a glass or two more than normal is usually enough but more is better than less. This helps keep your body’s tissues hydrated and healthy.

How many sessions will I need?

This is a very hard question and it’s hard to say. Every person is different and every condition is unique to each person. It may take one session or it may take several. You and your therapist will be able to discuss more specifically about this after your first session. This gives you and therapist a chance to evaluate your body’s tissues.

What if I get an erection or during my massage?

Sometimes this can possibly happen and unfortunately some men avoid massage for the fear of this. Some also have a massage but are unable to relax because of this fear. But there is no reason to be embarrassed as it is a natural occurrence.
Men can get an erection during a non-sexual, therapeutic, full body massage. The touch and rubbing effect administered to any part of the body can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which can result in a partial or complete erection.
A trained and educated professional massage therapist understands this, and it will not be an issue for him/her. However, if you are still concerned, we recommend wearing more fitted underwear (briefs or boxer briefs) which provide more support than traditional boxers.
Note: Massage Wellbeing is strictly a non-sexual massage establishment. If the therapist feels that the session has turned sexual for the client, male or female, he/she may stop the session. The therapist will need to clarify the client’s intent, and may decide to end the session immediately.

Pregnancy Massage Info

Can I have my feet massaged while I are pregnant?

Now more than ever your feet need relief from joint pressure and swelling. But there are acupressure points around the ankles and feet that, when actively and aggressively worked, can bring on contractions. This is handy during labor, but those specific places and techniques are carefully avoided until then. This is one of the many reasons to see a knowledgeable, pregnancy therapist.

Do you use essential oils during pregnancy massage?

In most cases, no - even though some oils are generally recognised as safe to use during pregnancy, we take the cautious side of things and choose not to use any.  The existing chemical load from everyday life already is such that we don't think it is worth adding more.

Is prenatal massage beneficial for the baby?

Studies have shown that, when you receive a relaxing prenatal massage, the body naturally secretes endorphins. These "feel good" hormones traverse the placenta and ultimately soothe and relax your baby.

Do I have to stop receiving massage close to my due date?

In most cases it is safe (and beneficial!) to receive massage up to your due date and beyond. Many women schedule a session on their due date so they have something to look forward to if they have not yet gone into labor. A massage can be a great way to prepare your body for the experience of giving birth. If you are on bed rest then you will require modified massage, (very light pressure on extremities and no abdominal massage) and you should always consult your doctor if you have special circumstances.

I had a massage before I found out I was pregnant. Will my baby be alright?

The concern about massage in the first trimester is that some believe it may contribute to a miscarriage, not damage to the baby.  If it's been more than a few days since you had the massage, you've nothing to worry about.  Even though we are very cautious about the use of essential oils during pregnancy, a one off massage using aromatherapy oils is probably not of as much concern as say the fumes when filling up your car with petrol.

How often should I receive massage when I am pregnant?

Each woman and pregnancy is different, so there is no real standard answer for this question. We generally recommend once a month for the second trimester and, then more often during the 3rd trimester.  Many people opt for one per week for the last 2-3-weeks, though others are happy at one per month even at that stage. Always seek medical advice if you have any concerns.

How soon can I come back after the baby is born?

You can have massages as soon as one hour after the birth of the baby, and it seems to make a real difference in post recovery. Realistically there are normally issues surrounding the logistics of childcare and feeding times.  Women who have had a Cesarean-section usually need to wait a few weeks.  The same cushioning system used during pregnancy allows much more comfortable massage while you are breastfeeding.

I've heard massage can release toxins. Should I be massaged while breastfeeding?

Yes, you are correct that massage can release toxins built up in the body (it's actually more that massage can relax tense areas and then oxygen and nutrients can then get to the area more easily, and THAT cleans out the toxins, not the actual massage).  Toxins released as a result of massage is not a concern for post-natal massage.  Your blood supply increased so much during pregnancy, it has already moved most toxins of concern that were there to moved before you had the baby. Toxins such as lactic acid from muscle use are not a concern for breast feeding as they are natural by products of the body.

Low Level laser Therapy

What Is Laser Light Therapy?

Laser therapy is the use of low levels of laser light to areas of the body that have been injured or damaged. Another term used is ‘Cold’ laser therapy due to the non-thermal, non-burning effects. For more information click on this link.

When Is Low Level Laser Therapy Required?

Low Level Laser Therapy is not suited for all cases of physical injury, pain or cosmetic condition. Each case can be completely different; therefore, each treatment is based on its own distinction. At Massage Wellbeing we first examine the injury and the intensity of pain for each patient. Then based on the findings and diagnoses, we will determine whether a patient’s recovery process can be accelerated with the treatment.

How Long oes It Take To Work?

Some patients may notice improvements even after there very first treatment session. However, as we are all different with others it may take more than a few treatments. The effect of laser light therapy is cumulative with each treatment. Therefore, each successive treatment builds on previous application.

What Does It Feel Like?

The treatments are totally pain-free! You will probably feel nothing at all during the application, however you may notice a tingling sensation in the treatment area as blood vessels dilate or as muscle spasms are reducing in strength. This is nothing to worry about and is a good sign.

Can It Cause Cancer Or Other Types OF Tissue Damage?

The low level lasers that we use at Massage Wellbeing use power concentrations that are far below the levels that could cause tissue damage. Our lasers use visible and near-infrared light, which only cause molecular vibrations.

Are There Any Side Effects?

None that are of any particular concern and in most cases there will be zero reaction. Some patients may experience some mild soreness in the particular area of treatment has been targeted. This would be the result of toxins being released and blood flow being restored. Laser light therapy is safe, painless and non-invasive.

How Do I Prepare For A Laser Light Treatment?

The area that requires treatment, we will need to access your skin as It does not pass through clothing. Wearing clothing that easily exposes the treatment area is the best solution. A gown will be provided when necessary or appropriate coverings will be used.

Make sure your skin is clean and avoid the use of lotions, oils, skin creams and topical skin medications prior to the appointment. These can form a barrier and effect the desired results.

It is always suggested to drink water before and after treatment in order to achieve better results.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

The treatment time will depend on the area or areas that require treatment. Every person has individual needs and requirements. How big or small the area is to be treated and how long the problem has been there will also in pack on the time taken.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Acute injuries can typically respond quickly to treatment, but again depends on the person. Chronic conditions can unfortunately take longer. As an example, if an injury happened within the last 6 weeks, you may see substantial decrease in pain and swelling in as little as 1-2 visits. If it has been an ongoing problem for years, it will generally take a lot longer, from weeks to months.

Body Waxing

Do you recycle your wax?

No. A very good question that you should ask any waxing salon you may frequent. Hygiene and customer care are our priorities. Notice we use one trashcan in each room. Our staff empties all our rubbish into the outdoor dumpster daily.

What is the difference between a Deep Bikini, Brazilian Bikini & a Full Bikini?

Deep Bikini Wax removes unwanted hair immediately outside of the vaginal area leaving a clean triangular shape. Brazilian Bikini Wax removes the hair from the entire pubic region, except for a small patch just above the vaginal area.
Full Bikini Wax removes all the hair from the entire pubic area.
Many women request a Brazilian or Full Bikini because it gives a clean, close wax and the freedom to wear even the most revealing swimwear and lingerie.

Is it painful?

Any kind of hair remove process will sting or cause some pain, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Although not as bad as you may think; the fact that you don’t know what to expect couple with anxiety, the first time you are waxed is probably the most you’ll ever feel. Believe it or not we have clients that actually sleep through it.

How long will the results last?

Although everyone’s hair growth is different, on average a body and or bikini waxing last about 3 weeks.

Can I go to the beach after waxing?

We strongly recommend to give your skin at least a 24 hour break, however if you must go, use a high spf sun-block lotion, and a hat if you’ve waxed any part of your face.

What do I need to do before and after waxing?

Skin care is very important. There are very interesting products on the market today, many which work wonders for the skin. If you use any, try to avoid alcohol, acidic-based and or abrasive defoliating creams within 3 days prior to getting waxed as they may leave the skin sensitive. We have found that for the best results you may want to use a luffa regularly when you shower; again stop 3 days prior to your waxing appointment. We have also found that the defoliating process not only removes dry dead skin but may also help prevent ingrown hair. After waxing we recommend you wait at least 3 days before using a luffa and or any defoliating products again. Give your skin a break.

If my skin is irritated or I have a rash can I still be waxed?

Do not wax if you have any skin rash or irritation, as a matter of fact you should contact your dermatologist as soon as possible, and reconsider waxing once your condition has improved 100%.

Can pregnant women get waxed?

Yes. Actually most of our pregnant clients come in just days prior to delivering to prepare themselves for childbirth.


Your Treatment

Talking body, listening hands.